Heaven on Earth!
Meadow Lake

Oh, I think I have a bite!
(He put his pole down in the bushes)

Honey in the works

Hello little boy! My name is Mr. Fish. What's your name?

O.K. dad, here's the plan:
You catch the fish and reel him in and I'll put him in my net.

Mommy! You've grown a beak!

Gavin invented a new flavored water,
it's called Chunks of Cheetos!

I'm reeling in the BIG ONE!

Our happy little family @ Meadow Lake

According to Gavin this fish is "Sleeping"

"Look mom! Snakes!"

We went for a hike and he stopped to throw the rocks he had collected in his net in the water.

Cody with his catch!

Cody on the Stairway to Heaven in Gilmore

We took a second little detour on the way home and went to see what was left of the Kilns. They were so huge, I couldn't believe it!
Gavin is getting SO BIG!! I can't believe it! Where is Meadow Lake? It really is gorgeous.
It's by Gilmore which is an old ghost town on you way to Salmon. It takes almost exactly 2 hours to get there from my front door, but totally worth the drive.
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