My cousin Angie(love ya girl) told me about the Twilight series last year and they did sound interesting, but I never got around to reading them. Then this summer the "Twilight Craze" hit work and everyone was talking about the books, so I borrowed( I didn't want to buy it just in case I didn't like it, little did I know) the first one from a co-worker. She brought it to me on Friday. I started it Friday night and was done by Saturday a little before 11 pm( Gavin takes pretty good care of himself !). I was hooked and I totally wanted to go buy the next one in the series right then and there and probably would have if Cody had not of been giving me such a hard time. Needless to say I bought New Moon and Eclipse on Monday and had them read in the blink of an eye, bought Breaking Dawn the day it came out and of course I went to the movie last night.
I had mixed feelings because I had "My Edward" in my head and didn't want my memory to be invaded by some "Hollywood Edward", but there was so much advertising that "My Edward" slowly became "Hollywood Edward" anyway, so I decided to go.
Steve, a CRNA I work with rents the entire theater in Blackfoot every time a Harry Potter movie would come out, so we (with the help of his wife Stacie) talked him into renting the theater for Twilight! Thank you Steve!!
I didn't get all crazy and wait for hours in the lines (which I don't completely understand anyway because everyone already has their tickets, but whatever!), but I did do something crazy, I brought my husband!!! (I know, I know!)
I took Gavin to my sisters for his very first over-nighter EVER (I cried, he didn't) and then when Cody got out of class we headed to Blackfoot which was actually really nice because with our crazy schedules it seems like we never have time to talk.
The theater didn't open until 11pm so we waited in the car for a couple of minutes. The line was forming, but Cody wouldn't get out of the car until he saw another man in line. Finally another guy showed up so we walked to the line, then the guy went back to his car and Cody almost bailed, but them some more "testosterone" showed up. ( I warned him multiple times that he would be greatly outnumbered, but he still wanted to come, even after our friends decided not to come with us because they didn't think they could stay up....Cassie and Scott!!! You should have went).
While we were waiting they had a Twilight quiz for us and a costume contest for the people who dressed up, Cody decided it was nap time...

1 comment:
Good job Cody! Way to be a REAL man. :) I haven't seen it yet (My roommate and I are going on Thanksgiving Day... if you thought the lines were bad there, you have no idea!!) but I've heard from so many people that it's pretty good. Of course there's no way it can BE the book. But I'm sure it gets close. Stephenie Meyers did approve of it, after all. So, long story short, I'll let you know what I think! Oh, and by the way... you should always trust me when it comes to a good book! If you're in the mood for another, you should try The Great and Terrible Beauty series by Libba Bray. Go ahead, give it a shot! :)
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