Conference weekend was spent mostly in our pj's, snuggling in blankets and coloring while we listened.

Even dad joined in the coloring

Baby Burritos! They are my favorite and so delicious : )

The kids are getting old enough that we can start playing games other than Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. I'm loving it!

I got a new hood ornament for the van. It's a little off center, but it looks so real.

Fat FRYday at Baskin Robbin's

Topless and pigtails cleaning the bathroom with mommy. It was such a silly site that I couldn't help but document it

We had a surprise visit! We were sitting in the dining room and Mason saw a clown in the window. I thought for sure it was Chet and went out to the back deck to talk to him when a second clown walked up. I was so confused and even a little scared for a split second because I had no idea who it was...until I heard him laugh.

Who needs a blanket when you can cover up with a couch cushion?

Someone is 39 and for the second year in a row I totally dropped the ball and he had another dud birthday. Last year it was our first day in the apartment, I didn't get a cake made so I stacked a bunch on donuts and threw a candle on top.
This year I had to work and didn't get home until 7. I didn't get a cake made so put a candle on a piece of cake. His shirt I ordered for him was delivered about 30 minutes before I got home so I had to wrap it really quick along with Reese's Peanut Butter cups from Chloe, and a wallet with a duck stamp from the boys and I.
We sang to him and let him open his gifts. After the kids were in bed asleep we made a quick trip to Broulim's for brownies and egg nog. He said it was fine, but I still feel bad for not making him feel extra special on his birthday.
This year I had to work and didn't get home until 7. I didn't get a cake made so put a candle on a piece of cake. His shirt I ordered for him was delivered about 30 minutes before I got home so I had to wrap it really quick along with Reese's Peanut Butter cups from Chloe, and a wallet with a duck stamp from the boys and I.
We sang to him and let him open his gifts. After the kids were in bed asleep we made a quick trip to Broulim's for brownies and egg nog. He said it was fine, but I still feel bad for not making him feel extra special on his birthday.

Cody saw this shirt online and loved it. He kept talking about it, so I got it for him for part of his birthday gift.

Chloe fell on the playground equipment during parent teacher conference and ended up with a big goose egg above her eye that started turning into a black eye. She wanted to skip school so people couldn't see it. When I told her she had to go to school she wanted to wear an eye patch to school (even more obvious) but we finally settled on her half done hair to cover her eye up.
I'm so glad that her teacher knew what happened because sending a kid to school with a black eye the day after parent teacher conference is a little bit crazy!
I'm so glad that her teacher knew what happened because sending a kid to school with a black eye the day after parent teacher conference is a little bit crazy!

The swelling from the goose egg moved down to her eye.

How do you know daddy is in charge? You come home and find your daughter playing in the middle of the road.

You should see the other guy!! Chloe now thinks that it's pretty cool having a black eye and doesn't want it to go away.

I told Cody I would pay him 50 cents to stand out in the rain for 5 minutes and he totally took me up on it. He is either crazy or hard up for some cash!! LOL!! 50 cents won't even buy a candy bar.

Baby Ben and his crazy hair!

My sleeping beauty

Chloe drew this.
It's Coco licking the air, me and she is the pink and purple one.
It's Coco licking the air, me and she is the pink and purple one.

I found some "grass" in Chloe's backpack. I sent this picture to Cody asking him if we should be concerned.

Grandma Blakely came over to help make Raspberry Huckleberry jam. She also talked Chloe into eating a lemon slice.

This is Mason's new favorite shirt and he asks to wear it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

My pretty girl in her pretty dress I bought her last year in San Antonio

Chloe wrote her name on her wall and I was a little upset because we just painted her room 6 months ago, but upon closer inspection I realized she put tape on her wall and THEN wrote on it! Smart girl!

Silly girl put her pajama top thinking it was her pants

Girls night out to the Haunted Straw Maze
Teri (me), Kellene, Karleen, Annie
Teri (me), Kellene, Karleen, Annie

Crazy Hair Day at school

Gavin used his own money to order the new Harry Potter book he wanted

Gavin and Lincoln
Paul and Erin were over to our house. Erin panicked momentarily when she realized than none of the adults had the baby, but we found Lincoln in Gavin's arms.
Paul and Erin were over to our house. Erin panicked momentarily when she realized than none of the adults had the baby, but we found Lincoln in Gavin's arms.

Bailee, Chloe and Tayvri

Cousin girl time : )
We decided we needed to decorate Karen's house for her. Erin and I hopped on the 4 wheeler and headed over. Gavin begged to come with us so I taught him the proper way to TP someone's house...
...and trampoline....
...and play set. We also got her trees before we ran out of toilet paper.
October Memories:
came running and crying out of her room saying she saw a spider in her
bed. Cody and I went in there and I was looking but all I found was a
piece of fluffy black fuzz. She was VERY adamant that she say a spider
and was yelling "I AM NOT GETTING BACK IN THAT BED!!!! Cody pretended
to see one and screamed which made men jump and scream. We kept looking.
Cody pulled the blanket up to look between the blanket and the sheet
and sure enough, there was a black spider!! Cody killed it and Chloe was
somewhat relieved but still scared there would be more. We did one last
check and then tucked her into bed.
*Gavin finished the last Harry Potter book and we watched the movie together.
*The kids had their first primary program in our new ward and did a great job
*Gavin gave a talk in Primary this month
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