Sometimes I walk in on a mess the kids have made and wish I would have been there to see how it all went down.
Forget the Barbies, I have super heroes!
Cody's pheasant is finally back from the taxidermist. He was so excited that he asked me to bring it to him during his lunch break at work so he could see it.
I now have a pheasant hanging above my TV in my living room even though I swore I would never have a dead animal hanging in my living room. Never say never.
Gavin had to write a letter to someone famous for one of his cub scout requirements. He chose to write to Philip Rivers of the San Diego Chargers.
Had to ducument this, he rarely reads "normal" books
Just more documentation on my daughters wonderful wardrobe selections.
Playing in our "yard" at the apartment. I cannot wait to get back into our own house!!

They were so excited to show me their "new trick".
(Please ignore the bra in the background)

Cody started going to work in Boise temporarily this month. He is working at the JUMP complex. It is a HUGE project, the biggest he has ever been on and they have put him in charge, sending him to all the meetings with all the big wigs. It really stinks having him gone so much, but it's great experience for him.

One of the buildings he's working on. That little box on the side of the building is the elevator he rides everyday. No way!! I would rather walk, it looks super scary.

Easter Sunday at church this week was interesting, we only made it through sacrament meeting. Mason all of a sudden was screaming bloody murder and we couldn't figure out why, he just said his ear hurt. I got him calmed down and then Cody noticed blood coming out of his ear so I took him out and got him cleaned up. He said he could hear out of it, but I wanted to make sure he was ok. He finally told me "a pencil just FELL in my ear". Fell?!?! What a kid. We took him to Urgent Care because the Pediatric Center isn't open because it's Easter. He has an abrasion about 2 o'clock in his ear canal and from what they can see his ear drum looks intact, thank goodness.

A cute picture that my niece Madilyn took of her and Mason

Gavin is officially a Bear scout now. He is growing up way to fast!
March 2016
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