Wednesday, June 10, 2015


We made it to the zoo finally. There were 3 baby lemurs there and they were so cute, we watched them for quite a while.
Chloe was laughing at these monkey's because they kept swinging in front of her in the window and she could see their butts. She thought it was hilarious. 
The windows were so dirty, but I caught 3 otters coming up to Gavin and "playing" with him. 
They were really fun and active this trip

Gavin showing me his "new trick"
Even the sloth bear was out today : )
Can't leave the zoo without a tiger picture
Gavin asked me to take this picture...
...and had to beg me to take this one. Boys are so weird!
You can't really tell, but the snow leopard was literally chasing and biting his own tail. I was laughing and showing the kids but they just didn't think it was as funny as I did.
My buddies the Kookaburra's
I remembered quarters this time so the kids were able to feed the ducks and watch all the baby ducks waddle around. They also watched a pelican eat a fish and a pink bird named Aurora from Australia was saying "hi" to them.

May 13. 2015

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