Sunday, October 5, 2014

3rd Annual IHOP day!!

We celebrated our 3rd annual IHOP day!
In some ways I can't believe it's only been 3 years and in other ways I can't believe that it's already been 3 years, sometimes I even forget that they are adopted and I haven't had them their entire lives. I am one lucky mommy to have such a beautiful little family!
I love how Chloe is loving on her big brother here. He absolutely adores her!

Gavin was super excited they had hot cocoa. It's his drink of choice
Smiley Face Pancake...every year
 Gorilla (Grilled) Cheese Sandwich
She pretty much just ate the chocolate chips and whip cream off the top and left the rest because that's just how she rolls.

On our way home there was a HUGE lightening storm so we drove up to Lincoln hill with all the other crazy people so we could overlook the entire city and watch the lightening storm from up there. 


 SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

1 comment:

Angela said...

I looked at the last two IHOP years and it's crazy to see how your kids have grown. You've got such a beautiful family and you and Cody are awesome parents. If Dan and I can do even half as well as you two our kids will be amazing.