Saturday, September 6, 2014

Rexburg Rapids

The Madison Memorial company picnic was at Rexburg Rapids again this year. It was a little cold but the kids didn't seem to mind too much.
Loaded up with snacks and ready to head home
This little girl is no longer afraid of the water

While I was going on the slides with Raini, Camille and Joann I left Cody in charge of Mason and Chloe. I found out later that Tara (Joann's sister-in-law) had to pull Mason and Chloe out of the lazy river not just once, but twice while Cody was suppose to be watching them. I was NOT a happy momma! His defense was "I told them to stay in the kiddy pool" while he went to take pictures of Gavin going down the slide. This coming from the same man who doesn't like me to even let the kids out of the van at Rigby Lake without their life jackets on.

July 30, 2014

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