This is a reeeeeaaallllyyyyyy long post, but I am soooooooooo behind!! Tomorrow is August...August people! Where did summer go? I haven't posted anything for a month and a half and it's summer so I have a TON of things. So here is my weak attempt to try and catch up. Hopefully I can before next summer ; )
After Gavin had his tonsils out we all did a lot of napping. Mason happened to fall asleep like this.
He looks like he's deep in thought.
The boys were sleeping and Chloe was reading.
I fell asleep too and woke up to a gazillion stickers on my face. Chloe was pretty bored with no one to play with.
I returned the favor and gave them all back.
This was his spot for days, in the recliner sleeping just like I was in January.
Gavin two days after his tonsillectomy. He got up, showered and dressed himself in a Hawaiian shirt, black and gray camo shorts, red Skylander socks and his bright green shoes. He definitely knows how to make a fashion statement.
Chloe making sure that Gavin was drinking all of his water so he could get better faster. She was such a cute little nurse for her big brother.
Mason found some of Chloe's play makeup. I was pretty impressed he only put it around his eyes until I noticed it on his face...and then his hands....and when I went into the toy room Chloe was covered in it and in the process of smearing it all over everything she could get her little hands on.
I had to run by the surgery center to call patients for the following Monday and I took my kiddos with me. I put them on a gurney and bribed them to stay there and be quiet with cookies and juice while I did what I needed to do. They were nice and quiet and obedient until the goods ran out and then it was a wrestling match!
Mason asked me to take a picture of him in Chloe's princess shoes
Chloe came to me holding my bra and asked me if I would help her put on my "booby trap". According to her she learned they were called "booby traps" by my nephew Taylor.
Keyara is Chloe's new best friend. She does her hair, paints her nails and plays with her all the time. Chloe LOVES having a big sister even if she is a fake one.
Showing me her nails that match her shirt
This was taken during the kitchen remodel. Chloe disappeared and I found her sitting in the kitchen sink in the side yard.
Gavin was hard at work helping daddy and Spencer with the kitchen and he fell asleep on the couch with his daddy's glasses still on his head
Mason in his daddy's shoes
It started raining really hard one day. The kids insisted that they needed their had and mittens on. They were out there long enough to get everything wet and soggy and then they wanted back in. Little Stinkers!
I was in brushing my teeth while Gavin was bathing (he pulled the curtain for "privacy" and I kept hearing weird water sounds and giggling. I peeked in to see what he was doing and found him filling the cup full of water and then he would hurry and dump it on his head still full and the water would run down his head.
I started to laugh listening to him laughing and he caught me and wouldn't do it anymore
Our old swingset was becoming a death trap so Cody took his Sawzall to it and cut it into manageable pieces and hauled it off.
Gavin helped too
Chelsea and I at her going away party that I hosted for her family. She moved to Casper, WY so her husband could manage his own Wal Mart there.
Mason and Chloe with their best buddy Spencer. He is our next door neighbor and they adore him. They always want to go to his house and play with him.
David was one of the nurses at the surgery center that moved onto bigger and better things. We were all so sad to see him go : ( He had us convinced for years that his middle name was "Shotgun" among other tricks and pranks he would play on us. He would also turn the gloves into huge balloons for all the pediatric patients. There was never a dull moment with Dave around. He left to become the director of a rehab facility, they are a lucky bunch of people.
Funny Face Fry's
Chloe feeding Paisley
She moved to St. George with her parents, we miss them already
Want to know what Chloe is freaking out about?
This!! A big, fat juicy worm
I love my boys in this hat, it is absolutely adorable on them.
Gavin's summer attire: long sleeved shirt, shorts and winter boots
Camille (another RN I work with) and I had to renew our PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) this summer. We always take our coursed together. I had my phone out helping with drug dosage calculations during our megacode and decided to take a picture. I posted it on Instagram and freaked a few people out because at first glance they thought it was a real kid. I didn't even think it would be an issue because of the nude hair, snap on chest, etc. I apologized for their near heart attacks and promised to not post anything like that again.
My Wolf Den had day camp at Krupp Scout Hollow. It was a great time as always, but even better than last year because we went in June instead of July so it was much cooler.
I am a sucker for lemonade stands! I have a special stash of money in my van for such occasions and I always pay them more than they are asking. My brother and I had a lemonade stand once and we made almost $40, but completely depleted every ounce of juice in our house in the mean time. We lived out in the country, but it was only one of two roads to get to Heise Hot Springs and Kelly Canyon area so it was (and probably still is) a fairly busy road in the summer.
Another fun summer pass time, sidewalk art!
Look at those pigtails!
Gavin wanted to draw me. He was so serious about it.
Our driveway looked like a murder scene when we were done

The kids and I rode to the church so they could ride in the parking lot. Chloe wouldn't pedal her bike, she just kept pushing it Flintstone style.
Once we got the the church I taught her how to pedal on her own and she was so EXCITED!! She kept saying, "Mom thank you teaching me to pedal"
Cody letting the calf suck on his hand. The kids couldn't believe it. I use to do this all the time at my grandma and grandpas farm when I was little.
Carl and his daughter Caitlyn were visiting from Tennessee and came with us.
Gavin feeding the calf out of his hand
Watching the baby goats and ponies
Gavin wanted to draw me. He was so serious about it.
Our driveway looked like a murder scene when we were done
The kids and I rode to the church so they could ride in the parking lot. Chloe wouldn't pedal her bike, she just kept pushing it Flintstone style.
Once we got the the church I taught her how to pedal on her own and she was so EXCITED!! She kept saying, "Mom thank you teaching me to pedal"
We inherited this picnic table from the Chase's when they moved who inherited it from the Waite's when they moved and one day when we move we will pass it down to someone in the neighborhood. We have spent a lot of nights eating dinner out here since the kitchen remodel is in full swing.
On the Friday's that I work I usually pick the kids up first becasue it's usually just a quick half day. We always go to the "pretzel store" (Carsten's Bakery, it had a huge pretzel above their store) and get donuts, cookies, etc and then go to a park to play and this day we were into making funny faces. Cody letting the calf suck on his hand. The kids couldn't believe it. I use to do this all the time at my grandma and grandpas farm when I was little.
Carl and his daughter Caitlyn were visiting from Tennessee and came with us.
Gavin feeding the calf out of his hand
Watching the baby goats and ponies
Gavin was so tired that night he fell asleep in his clothes, daddy's sweatshirt and all.
Going on a walk with my brown eyed MasonatorGavin got poked in the eye and it hurt to open it so his solution to the problem was to bandage it with a snake. Of course! Why didn't I think of that?
We went to McDonald's one night for dinner to get out of daddy's hair so he could work on the kitchen. This is what we found when we came out. Antlers on the front, motorcycle on the roof and the ramp in the back seat. Who needs a truck when you have a set up like this? It totally made my day. Thank you driver of the crazy car : )
My dad went with my sister to get her new car in UT and on the way they took his first selfie!! First texting and now selfies!! Not bad for a 60 year old!
My insane sister took all 6 kids (her 3 and my 3) with her to run errands, including Wal Mart! I can't believe she did it and I can't believe she survived to tell the tale. I'm so excited she has a car that holds all of us again. Before we just rode in my van because it was a 7 seater, but then Chase came a long and people get a little weird when you strap a car seat to the roof so we had to take two vehicles. Now we are back to one : ) It's the little things...
Paisley was enjoying a quick snack on Great Aunt Teri's finger while her daddy was getting her bottle ready.
Chloe as Maleficent, Batman, or whatever else you can think to call her. She loves when I do crazy bath time hair
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