Gavin wanted to play basketball again this year. It is by far his favorite sport and he's pretty good at it. This year was kind of a flop in a way. They started out with 10 players on their team just like everyone else and it dramatically dwindled the first few weeks. They always only had 4 or 5 players each game and even thought they would have to forfeit because of being short players they would still usually win.

Coach: Justin Capson
Jaden, Omny, Noah
Gavin, Jack
Maggie was the only girl on the team that would come once in awhile. She was on Gavin's team last year and she is so good, like going to be in the NBA good. I was sad she wasn't there more it was really fun to watch her.
These are super blurry...story of my life. I used my phone and the
majority of the game I had Mason and Chloe fighting who was going to sit
on my lap or they were both sitting on my lap so I couldn't hold my
phone still.
Gavin is the one in the black shorts shooting the basket
You can't see Gavin here, but hes the one making the basket
Shooting again.
Not to brag, but he's really good at rebounding as well and can dribble a lot better than most of the other kids.
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