Friday, June 21, 2013

Eating Popsicles Redneck Style

We decided to have our Sunday night treat outside....on the front nothing but diapers. 

 Mason was being so stinking cute I couldn't help but go overboard with the pictures.
 Mason drew a "snake airplane" on the sidewalk and was super excited about it
 Watching ants
 Chloe was smashing them with her chalk
 I told her to smile for me and instead she turned around and gave me the other cheek! She is such a stinker sometimes! 2 years old and she already has attitude!
 They are really just eating their Popsicle, but it totally looks like they are singing to us.
 Is my tongue red?
 I bought these crazy popsicles because they were on sale, but I'm never buying them again. I swear the main ingredient is dye. They are such a mess!
 This is reason #1 why we are eating our popsicles Redneck style (nothing but a diaper) because the kids are sooo messy and the dye stains their clothes.

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