Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fry House

I have been a complete slacker and haven't posted anything for almost 3 weeks, but I am finally caught up so keep reading because I just put 7 post on here today!!

These are just some random snapshots of the past month
This is one of the things the boys love doing together. They fill their trucks with 4-wheelers and motorcycles and race around the house
Mason loves his shopping cart and Chloe loves her stroller. She has her baby covered up with her blanket because her "baby sleeping"
Gavin cruising around in my heels
He decorated the kitchen for Valentine's Day with a cluster of hearts
The boys making sandwiches out of each other

7 pairs!!
I had to patch the knees of 7 pairs of Gavin's pants. That kid is blowing threw knees faster than I can fix them. 
Me: Oh, Gavin when are you going to stop putting holes in your pants?
 (as I'm sewing and he's watching)
Gavin:  I will someday
Me: (giggling and kissing him on the forehead) I know

And he's right, he will someday and I'm sure it's going to go by all too quickly!
This is what Chloe looked like after being with daddy while I was working with Dr. Quinton : )
Cody and Gavin watching a 3D movie
Gavin Meditating
We found him in the dark toy room doing this. We were trying so hard not to laugh. He said he learned how to do this from Kung Fu Panda
A truckload of Superheros is a common site around here
Mason is potty trained!!
I have been "training" him since the beginning of January and he was still wetting his pants. I was beside myself but I was determined not to quit. Then I read a friends blog and she did her son in 3 days, without pullups. So I went for it, underwear all day...and guess what, it worked!! I am so happy! I think the pull ups were just making him lazy so Chloe is not getting them!!
P.S. Thank you Jessie for your inspiration!
Chloe my hippie girl. She put this on herself
A rare site: Mason actually sitting still!!
We sold Cody's other truck last fall and have slowly been looking for a new one and we found him one for super cheap (half of book). It's a long box so it will fit his tool box and the 4 wheeler at the same time and it's also a three quarter ton so it will pull our camper no problem!

The best part is it has the kids initials on the front:
GMC: Gavin Mason Chloe
Chloe and Mason
Mason crawled up onto Cody's lap and started snuggling with him
Gavin's new favorite thing that daddy "invented" according to Gavin
A peanut butter and nutella sandwich on graham crackers
Cody spoiled me this week. This is my second set of a dozen roses in the past week. There is no doubt in my mind that he loves me

Some of our favorite things right now:

Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
-if you sing it around any of my kids they will start singing along with you and dancing
White Cheddar Popcorn
Skylanders- That's all Gavin wants to do, he's a complete addict and goes through withdrawals when I won't let him play it for hours on end
This isn't a favorite, but Gavin calls it "Cookie butter" because it has cookies on the container
Fireball our tarantula

Chloe got into the diaper bag and used all the "lotion" (hand sanitizer) up but she LOVES the bottle so I let her keep it and she backs it everywhere
I rarely drink pop, but Pepsi, especially Pepsi throwback is one of my weaknesses.

(she has been bugging me that I never put the after photo of my bathroom on here like I said I would after we repainted so this is just for her)


I'm definitely happy that we repainted. Now it looks calm instead of like a swimming pool

1 comment:

Jessie said...

You've been busy! And just for the record, Jed still has some accidents and he has not yet voluntarily pooped in the potty. Still working on that. Any magic suggestions?