Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chloe's Birthday Party

We finally had a party for Chloe on the 10th (only 9 days late but we had to wait for Cody to be home). Since our house is super small and our families are super large we had to have it at Pink Eye Palace (Leo's). 
I asked Chloe what kind of cake she wanted and I  thought for sure she would say monkey, but she said "E bug!! (ladybug) I designed it, but it was Cody's idea to do pink and brown instead of black and red and I think it turned out so cute!!
Chloe and her "E-bug"
Singing "Appy Suey" to Chloe
 She was all excited to blow out the candle until we told her to do it and then she didn't want to

She put her arms behind her back and just stood there so big brother Gavin helped her out and blew out her candle
We had planned on getting her a kitchen set from Sam's Club but they were all gone by the time we got there so Cody picked out this SUPER AWESOMELY LEGIT tricycle instead, good job daddy! I wish they had it in my size!
Her very first My Little Pony from Aunt Karen

I forgot about getting pictures until the end, but she was spoiled. She got cute outfits from G&G B, a butterfly rug for her room from G&G Fry, books, toys, a homemade picture frame and candy from others. She was so spoiled!
This is what she really wanted, a cupcake!
She didn't waste anytime getting on her new "bike" and she even let Mason hitch a ride with her.

A close up of Chloe's cake

I had a lady at Leo's come and gawk at the cake. She was asking me how I made it and what was what and even asked if she could take pictures of it. I have to admit it made my day!
Lady bug cupcakes

Riding the bike again the next day. They kept taking turns driving, so cute!


Bonnie said...

OMG ! what a fun Birthday .. it lasted 10 days! ha. she is sooo very lucky to have you as mom and dad. We are truly blessed.
What an adorable fun Cake and cupcakes. Fits her perfect ! good Job Teri! The bike will be so fun this summer. I will come and we can all ride! Cant wait! sorry to miss the Party. but, I did get Birthday hugs , kisses , and giggles. thanks for that!!! ♥

Hayden Funny Farm said...

Love the cake. So cute!