Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Butikofer Reunion

Our Butikofer Family Reunion was at Mountain River Ranch up by Heise this year. It was Friday  thru Saturday. Gavin had a t-ball game Saturday morning so we didn't stay overnight.
 Chloe starring at her brother's wondering what on earth they are doing up there on those funny looking horses!

 Peek a Boo

Fishing Pond
 Mason is Gavin's new shadow. He copies everything he does, it's so much fun to watch.
 Watching the "water jumpers" (water skippers)
 In front of the little town at Mountain River Ranch
 Afterwards I took the kids to the cave in Kelly Canyon that my dad use to take us too. It wasn't a very easy hike in sandals, but we did it.
 After we got up there none of the kids even wanted to go in cave
 Mason was so frustrated because he couldn't keep up with Gavin


Jessie said...

I didn't know there was all that cool stuff up there in Heise. Must go exploring now. Chloe is sooo stinking cute in her pictures!

oldangelgirl said...

Your kids are so freaking cute!