Saturday, May 12, 2012

When the Cats Away...

...the children will play.

I put Gavin to bed after giving him children's Motrin for his fever and then I woke up Thursday morning at 2 am with a terrible sore throat, body aches and was freezing!! Gavin and I both went to the Dr. that day and we both had strep throat, lucky us!! He was feeling better by  Thursday night, I on the other hand wasn't. It's now Saturday night and I only felt "normal" a few hours ago. 

My poor kids didn't get their daily baths, bedtime stories and were stuck eating ravioli, yogurt, cheese and crackers and every other simple thing I could think of. Yesterday my sister had us come over and she watched my kids while I slept on her bed for hours, it was amazing and I would probably still be a half dead zombie if it wasn't for her. She even made us dinner which was the first thing besides Gatorade that I even felt like eating in days.

I swear my brain is the first thing to go when I'm sick. Wednesday night we got home and a few minutes later I found Mason with my wallet and Chloe in my purse. I spent the next 2 1/2 days looking for my keys everywhere! I even went so far as to dig through a bag of garbage that I had thrown out, but it actually felt good because I was running a fever again and it was breezy outside.  Friday night I went into my room for something and there they were in plain site on top of my dresser. I NEVER put my keys on my dresser and I don't even remember doing it and it's too tall for the kids to reach so it had to have been me.

Brain Malfunction #2 - I had to work Friday morning for a few hours (and no I can't really call in sick because I am Dr. Q's R.N. , his only R.N. and if I don't show up, then surgeries get cancelled, etc.). I had been on my meds for 24 hours and I wore a mask the entire time I was there to be on the safe side. Back to my point. I went to get the keys for the narcotic box and the crash cart out of Dr. Q's office and couldn't find them, they were gone. I went back to the O.R. and there they were, I had already got them. Then I went to start the first patients I.V. and didn't even have my I.V. tray. I felt like a complete scatter brain! Luckily those were the only two incidents and the patients all lived!!

Back at home my kids were free to do pretty much whatever they wanted while I laid in the recliner in the living room and they didn't cause as much trouble as I thought they might.
 Mason cruising around in my hat, that was in my bedroom
 Chloe fell asleep in the middle of the floor
 I woke up and found the kids playing in the toy room AND getting along!!
 I have no idea why Gavin was wearing his jacket
Gavin turning himself blue was the worst thing that happened in their 3 days of no supervision and surprisingly it all washed off after some soaking and scrubbing. He made himself some toast and wanted it to have blue jam so he put blue food coloring all over his toast and I'm really not sure how it ended up all over his hands and face, but here is my Smurfy son!

Don't mind my voice, remember I had strep!

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