It use to be that the 4th of July was celebrated on the 4th of July, but I guess times have changed and it can be celebrated on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th AND 5th of July which was fine with us because we had an extra long and extra fun weekend. But seriously all joking aside the 4th of July is my favorite holiday and here are a few reasons:
-The weather (for the most part) is perfect
-I love the music (I miss you Wayne Richards)
-Great food and fun
-You get to spend time with your family
-Lots of parades, candy and chocolate milk
-Red, White & Blue
-I love how everyone stands and claps when the veterans floats go by, it brings tears to my eyes
-But the best part is everyone gets along because for one day of the year it doesn't matter what creed or color you are, your social economic status or even your political status because on this one day we are all united as AMERICANS!!!
-The weather (for the most part) is perfect
-I love the music (I miss you Wayne Richards)
-Great food and fun
-You get to spend time with your family
-Lots of parades, candy and chocolate milk
-Red, White & Blue
-I love how everyone stands and claps when the veterans floats go by, it brings tears to my eyes
-But the best part is everyone gets along because for one day of the year it doesn't matter what creed or color you are, your social economic status or even your political status because on this one day we are all united as AMERICANS!!!
when he was watching us go down the bigger slides in the background
(Check out the new Super Fast Wedgie Slides in the background!)
They had it out in the street washing it and getting it ready for the parades
their shoes and I totally want a pair!! Someone help me find them!
They just moved in last weekend so they don't have a lawn yet
The actual holiday and we did NOTHING except go to church and take naps. We were going to go watch the fireworks at McDermott (Melalueca) Field but Gavin fell asleep for the night before 6 pm so Cody and I just watched our neighbors light all theirs off
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