We have been waiting for weeks for the weather to be nice enough to go
to Heise Hot Springs and today was that magical day ; )

Gavin wearing his "swimming goggles" on the way there

At the pool

Gavin getting all snuggly buggly warm in his towel

My cornea's!

Uhhmmm....a new yoga pose?

Good thing he's skinny

We drove over this on the way home... I screamed pretty loud. It was just laying straight across the road( it was 3-4 feet long) and we weren't sure if we hit it or not so we backed up and it started slithering away and of course I freaked out again....I HATE SNAKES!!!
As we were running over it all I could think was that is was going to get up inside the bottom of our car and then it would ride all the way home with us and end up in the garage. From there it would hide out by out back door and when the time was right it would slither into our house and end up at the bottom of my bed in between my sheets and I would find it with my toes when I went to bed. AAAAAhhhhhhh! Can you see why I hate them?
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