Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Splash Park
We went to the Splash Park in Rexburg with some friends on Monday. I was so excited and thought that Gavin would be too. He however didn't like all the splashing and was a little overwhelmed by the mass quantity of kids there who were also trying to enjoy one of our few days of summer weather.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Super Hero
Family Picnic
(from the top)
Kessler (baby), Madilyn, Samantha, Savanna, Cadee,
Sydney, Taiya
Alyssa, Alexandria, Zachery, Treysen, Drake, Gavin
Aidyn, Merrick, Sierra, Lukas, Isaiah
(not pictured: Carson & Isabella)
Cody's cousin Heidi was in town from Washington so we had a picnic at Kate Curley Park and there was a get together so we could all see eachother
Father's Day
Gavin and Daddy on Father's Day
I have debated all week about whether or not to post "What really happened on Father's Day" or just post the pictures, but since it was a part of our lives and something we will never forget I have decided to post it.
Before I begin I want everyone to know that he's OK and the pictures above were taken AFTER the accident.
We went to my mom and dad's Sunday afternoon to see my dad for Father's Day and to have lunch. Gavin and Taylor (my 9 year old nephew) finished their lunch before everyone and went out in the backyard to play, or so we thought.
A few minutes later Taylor came in the front door and said "Gavin's in the road, I told him not to go." Cody was in the living room and went out front. I was holding my niece in the kitchen and walked to the front door... and this is where it gets blurry.
I could see a care stopped in the middle of the road in front of my parents house (speed limit 50) and 3 people standing by the car (there are trees and bushes out front so I didn't have a clear view). I passed my niece off to the first body I found in the living room ( I found out later it was my dad) and ran out to the road. A million thoughts went through my mind in those few short seconds along with lots of prayers.
When I got to the road Cody was holding Gavin. He had been hit by a car. (My nephew had went to check the mail and Gavin had went with him. When Taylor came back across the road Gavin wasn't right behind him like he had thought. Taylor then saw a car coming and had told Gavin to stay by the mailbox, but he came across the road to be by Taylor anyway). Gavin was talking and appeared to be OK. I checked as much as I knew how to check with my EMT and RN knowledge. His pupils were equal and reactive, his speech wasn't slurred, he was making sense, no sign of broken bones, etc. etc. and then the mommy in me took over and I just wanted to hold him. Cody carefully passed him to me and as soon as I had him Gavin said "Mom, let's get off the road please" so I moved to the side of the road.
By the time Cody had gotten to him the man had Gavin in his arms and was on the phone with 911 so they were already on their way. When they finally got there which seemed like hours,but was really minutes, they assessed him and then he was put on a papoose board and we went for a ride on the ambulance. He appeared to be fine other than being lethargic, but we weren't sure if it was from not having a long enough nap or head trauma. We were also unsure about internal bleeding and head trauma. According to the driver he was facing the car when it hit him (at only about 10ish mph after slamming on the brakes at 50 mph) and he was knocked onto the hood of the car above the license plate and when the car came to a complete stop he was thrown onto the asphalt where he received the majority of his injuries including road rash on his head, back and arms.
The ride in the ambulance was also mostly a blur. I remember Gavin was mad because we took his shirt off him and he didn't like being strapped in the papoose, but it was stabilizing his back and neck. He was crying and screaming but it was a good thing because he was staying awake.
He was thoroughly checked out in the ER as soon as we got there and as silly as it seems as soon as we put his shirt back on him he calmed right down. So far so good, everything appeared to be OK, but they wanted to keep an eye on him for another hour or so and reassess him later. Once all the commotion stopped that's when it really hit me...I just almost lost my baby. My little man that I waited 5 long years for. I couldn't even remember the last words I said to him before he went out back and I felt so guilty for not checking on him even though he had just went outside.
Dr. Rosenburg checked him on last time and couldn't believe that nothing was the matter. He said we had a very lucky little boy. I believe it was more Divine Intervention than anything.
By Sunday night he was completely back to himself and you would literally have no idea that anything had ever happened. I still can't believe that it did, but the road rash on his back reminds me daily.
I do not take a single second with him for granted anymore and when he is asking me something for the 1,000th time I just remind myself how grateful I am that he is still with us.
Saturday, June 19, 2010 last!
to Heise Hot Springs and today was that magical day ; )
As we were running over it all I could think was that is was going to get up inside the bottom of our car and then it would ride all the way home with us and end up in the garage. From there it would hide out by out back door and when the time was right it would slither into our house and end up at the bottom of my bed in between my sheets and I would find it with my toes when I went to bed. AAAAAhhhhhhh! Can you see why I hate them?
Double Feature
Green Canyon
Faith, Taylor, Gavin, & Madisen
I had my brother's kids Faith & Taylor for the weekend and we were planning on a trip to Heise, but since the weather was terrible (surprise, surprise) we went to Green Canyon instead. My sister Karen, her hubby Chet and their daughter Madisen came with us. I never actually got any pictures of them at the pool, but we did stop at Craigo's in Rexburg to eat on the way home so we got a couple there.
I don't know if this is plain lazy or ingenious!
All about G-Man
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