We went to the Rex with our friend Scott and Cassie this weekend and it was a blast not only for the kids, but for us "adults" too! To begin with we only bought passes for the kids, but the more we watched them play the more jealous we got and we all ended up playing on the inflatable toys!

Look at that face, is he having a great time or what!

Going through the obstacle course

Climbing up to the slide

Everything was so huge!
Look at that form, way to go Cody!

Cassie is probably going to kill me for posting this, but I love it! It makes me giggle and smile every time I look at this picture! You are never to old for anything!

Gavin walked up to Kate and held her hand, isn't that precious?

Cruisin in the car with Kermit
Looks like fun! Where is that? My boys would love it! And I LOVE the huge basketball!
The Rex center is in Rexburg, ID. You should take the boys there next time you are up this way. They also have bowling, arcade, pizza parlor and movie theater in the same building.
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