Every year I decorate Gavin's room for his birthday. It landed on a Monday this year and we had the family birthday party on Saturday, so we decorated his room Friday night that way we could both be home to see his reaction. His birthday literally lasted all weekend and the beginning of the next week!

Gavin is suddenly obsessed with basketball hoops. We drive down the street and he points out every basketball hoop he sees in someone's yard so we decided to get him his own for his birthday and he loved it!

Gavin's Birthday Cake
He lives and breathes for airplanes so I decided to make him a cake that looks like they are "flying in the sky". He was pretty excited about it.

(Not sure why this picture keeps turning upside down, but whatever!) For weeks Gavin has been telling everyone that he is 6 so I stacked the cupcakes for the kids and put 6 candles on it for his as a joke.

Blowing out his candles

All tuckered out after his birthday party

This is what he looked like after eating "chocolate cake" on his actual birthday on Monday

He got some birthday money so I took him to Toys R Us to pick something out and of course he wanted yet another "rollercopter". He has about 6 now, but it was cheap so we were able to put the rest of his birthday money in his piggy bank. He also got a balloon and a crown because it was his birthday.

I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said "Go see Pompa Airplane" (meaning my mom who works for Queen Bee Air Specialists). He loves to go to the hangers and see all the airplanes. We go there so much practically all the airplane mechanics know him on a first name basis.

He wanted chocolate milk and a hamburger for lunch so we made a stop at Wendy's

Smoke anyone?
This was his chocolate cake that we made for his actual birthday. The recipe is on my Mystery Monday Post.
What a creative mom you are! I hope I can live up to that baking/creative stuff. Gavin's cake is AWESOME!!! And the rest of his birthday too. Lucky kid. :)
Did you actually decorate the airplane cake? That looked awesome! What a great time for your little "big" boy. :)
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