Gavin and I were invited to my mom's Christmas Party this year I'm sure mostly because Gavin is there looking at the planes enough that practically everyone knows him on a first name basis. They had this airplane outside the office and even though is was freezing outside Gavin wanted to stay out and watch the propeller go around and around. He even told Grandma to "stop plane so Gavin can ride." He thought if the propeller stopped then he could get on and then he could go!

As always Christmas Eve is with Cody's family. I get a picture of all the grandkids every year so we can compare them from year to year. Kessler was asleep so he's not in this one.
Left to right: Treysen (red), Savannah, Drake, Aidyn, Gavin, Alyssa, Taiya, Alexandria, Isaiah, Madilyn, & Lukas. Next year there will be at least one more that we know of! Treysen, Drake, and Kessler are getting a new baby!

Aidyn got some 3-D glasses with one of his toys and they made the rounds. Everyone was putting them on, even Grandpa.

Gavin got a puppy from one of his great grandma's and he was so excited. I couldn't get him to put it down so you could see his smiling face, so this is what you get!

The three stooges watching a movie downstairs...

...and watching a movie upstairs.
The three of them are so cute together!
Gavin, Lukas & Isaiah

Mommy reading Gavin his new Christmas Book

Opening his first present
(that he hasn't touched since he opened it I might add!)

My super excited husband!
He has been wanting a Wii for years so I spent one of my bonus checks on one. He had no idea and I was so excited I couldn't even sleep on Christmas Eve. I started waking up @ 3:30am and forcing myself to go back to sleep. I finally got up at 6am brushed my teeth and then woke both of them up, needless to say they were both pretty grumpy, but it didn't last long!

I swear toy companies are competing with each other to see how difficult they can make it to get the toys out of the box. One of Gavin's toys had 17 twisty ties holding it in the box and I'm not even lying!

Santa brought Gavin a train set and he was so excited! He played with it until we left for my mom's(and has been playing with it since). He was even more excited when he found out there was a "rollercopter" (helicopter) with helicopter noises.

Our annual super huge and super yummy breakfast at my mom's. This year Cody and I set aside some of the Huckleberry's we picked this year so that we could have Huckleberry Pancakes Christmas morning, they were delicious!

Waiting anxiously to open presents!

Gavin opened this plane first thing and that was the end of presents. He left the room to go fly his airplane. I had to practically force him to open the rest of them.

It's become tradition to bury the newest member of the family in wrapping paper. Lucky Madisen got to be it this year.

Paul & Erin

The Grandkids: Taylor, Gavin & Faith.
(Madisen was sleeping)

Gavin loves G&G's cat, but she can get feisty after having so many people around so grandpa was holding her so Gavin could pet her. How sweet!
Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for everything. It was a fun and memerable Christmas! We love you all!
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