We went to Boise to go to Cody's cousin Lindsay's Wedding which was Saturday, June 13th. Here is a little run down of the trip.

Gavin was watching "Pig Movie" (Lion King 1 1/2, but he calls it the Pig Movie because there is a warthog on the cover) while we were getting the car packed and ready to go. He put on the hat and goggles by himself, he loves them.

I had never been to Twin Falls before so we decided to stop there for lunch and let Gavin get his wiggles out. We went over and walked the path by the bridge which was really amazing. I loved it. It's amazing the things people can build. It is far more impressive in real life. It is so HUGE!!

This is us. Gavin wanted to run around and not be held, but I can't complain he was so good in the car the entire way to Boise AND back.

Playing in the water in The Grove in downtown Boise.

Gavin with Uncle Connelly

Connelly was pretending to run into trees and light poles as we were walking around downtown and Gavin thought it was the funniest thing ever. He was laughing so hard it was making all of us laugh.

This place was recommended by the front desk at our hotel and even though it looked like...well Trailer trash...we decided to go because we'll try anything once and it was really fun and the food was surprisingly really good.

It was an old car garage and they actually had a car in one of the bay's on the hydraulic hoist and there was a table in there so you could even eat in it.

This is one of the manikins that was in there along with old car parts, old furniture, etc. It was a super fun atmosphere.

They had the bay doors open and a live band outside so you could eat and listen to the music or just chill on the furniture outside like Gavin was doing.
We were able to sneak away for a bit and go visit with my Aunt Susan whom I haven't seen for almost a year so it was nice to be able to go visit with her and Cody was due for another hug followed by a butt pinch so it worked out well.
THE WEDDING (in the bathroom)

Gavin was super good all day and so well behaved, but as soon as the wedding ceremony started he wanted to talk and run around so Gavin and I hung out in the bathroom during the ceremony. Cody said it was really good and even funny...the bathroom not so good and funny.

After the ceremony and dinner they had a dance. When the first slow song came on I went out and danced with Gavin, and he was hooked. He danced almost every slow and fast song with whoever would dance with him. When they took a break to give toasts around 10 pm he finally crashed right on my shoulder.

Dancing with Aunt Saliva (Cassie)

Dancing with Aunt Sadie
(My camera battery went dead before I was able to get any pictures of the bride and groom, how retarded is that? We drive all the way to Boise for a wedding and I don't even have a picture of them. One of these days I'll learn)

On the way home on Sunday we took another detour through Twin Falls to go see Shoshone Falls. We had never been there either and we wanted to Gavin to get his wiggles out again. It was perfect timing to because as soon as we got in the car it was a total downpour.

We drove past the new Twin Falls Temple too, but couldn't get out to look because like I said it was raining cats, dogs, cows and horses.

The temple from a side view. I'm bummed we couldn't get out and walk around.
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