What Gavin did last month:

Gavin & Cody played together in the snow cave that Cody built.

Gavin took it upon himself to take a bath with his clothes AND shoes on!

Santa came to visit and brought him his very own
Tonka truck

He got to go on lots of snowmobile rides

He went sledding with mom!

He figured out how to put on his safety goggles all by himself
and is wearing them everywhere now

He brings his own snacks with him when it's time to watch cartoons

He loves to brush his teeth and has to do it WITHOUT help!

Drake and
Treysen came over to play and they spent all afternoon sliding down the stairs and crawling back to the top, I wish I had half their energy!

Daddy put gloves on his hands and feet and made him look like Curious George.
He didn't want to take them off!

Gavin and I were in his room playing and listening to his music and he decided that he was done with me and wanted to play by himself, but I still wanted to hang out with him so I went and got my fingernail polish and was painting my toenails in his room. He finally caught on to what I was doing and decided the wanted his done to. I knew his father wouldn't approve, but Gavin insisted (
hee) so I painted his big toe nails. Gavin especially loved it when I blew on his toes to dry the polish. He was giggling so much!

I just thought this was funny how he was sitting in his toy

Drake turned 3!
His party was at Blast Off and Gavin had a blast playing in the ball pit with all his cousins.
Treysen &
TaiyaThis is also at Blast Off. I thought they were so cute I just had to take a picture.

Gavin has already grown some facial hair!
He looks like he's stoned!

Having a BALL in the BALL pit!!

I still don't get how this is even comfortable, but it's his favorite sleeping position!

Gavin has discovered how to unzip zippers so now nothing is safe.
He takes off his own coat, jacket, and now pajamas!
Horsin' around with mom!

Gavin going to sleep with Mr.
Penguin and his new 4-letter word, ELMO!!

Where do pirates have their
In their back
What does a pirates cat say?
How much does it cost for a pirate to get his ears pierced?
A buck-an-ear!!!

Gavin was so excited that we were finally going swimming again(He LOVES to swim)
that he couldn't even wait to put on his life jacket!
At least his hair won't get wet!
That's All Folks!
Tune in next month for another installment of
"What Gavin did last month!"
that kid is soooooooo funny. i got to get one.
um.. i love how he just decided to jump in the tub with the other kid. why wouldnt that be normal?!sm
Teri, Gavin is so adorable! What a fun little guy to have in your family. It sounds like he keeps you very busy and on your toes. I am so happy to find your blog! This is the best way to keep in touch.
Oh my goodness, what a cute little boy! This is going to be wonderful blackmail material for the future... (insert evil laugh)...
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