(No animals...especially frozen turkeys named Hank... were harmed in the making of this blog)

Every year Rigby has what they call "Midnight Madness". They have a Christmas parade followed by the kids meeting Santa Claus and most of the stores are open until Midnight and have some really good deals. Brouldim's (the local grocery store) gives horse drawn carriage rides, the Senior Citizen's Center has a $5 spaghetti or chilli dinner and there are even free tokens at the car wash to wash your smelly husbands (I made that last part up, just in case you didn't notice). At the end of the parade they have Santa riding an antique fire engine, but my batteries froze before the parade was over so I couldn't get a picture, it was really cold.

Snug as a Bug in a Rug.
He doesn't look very happy here, but Gavin really like the lights, sirens and candy from the parade.

Broulim's had their boneless skinless chicken breasts on sale so we ran in to get a few.
In the middle of one of their freezer aisles they had made their very own bowling lane with real pins and everything, but instead of using a bowling ball (here comes the best part) we got to bowl with a REAL FROZEN TURKEY! How awesome is that?
(From here on out the frozen turkey will be known as Hank)

This is me picking up Hank. (Sorry the picture turned out a little blurry) I was a little hesitant for a split second because I can't imagine it was very much fun for Hank to get thrown on the floor, then skid down the aisle only to come to a crash landing into a bunch of bowling pins, but then I picked him up, got into my proper frozen turkey tossing stance and let him fly!

I convinced my mom Melva Jean ( known in her pre-Teri life as Jolene) to give old Hank a toss also. Apparently Hank didn't like her as well as he liked me though because he only hit one pin when my mom bowled with him. Hank and I had a connection from the beginning.

Hank and I made quite the team and we got a perfect STRIKE and for our efforts, Hank and I won a really BIG Hershey's Bar. If you get a magnifying glass and look really close you can see my mom's itty bitty green candy bar in her hand. I'm sure Hank and I are going to make the front page of the Jefferson Star newspaper! Oh! I also heard that Broulim's is having a sale on one well-tenderized and already partially thawed turkey, real cheap (or should I say "real gobble")!

Before heading home we went to the Sugar Mill to do some more shopping. It's really cool, you should check it out and the Sugar Mill should give me a discount for putting in a plug for them on my blog. Anyway, Santa was there and we waited in a really long line and when it was Gavin's turn I walked him up there and he didn't want anything to do with him. He backed into me and said "NO!" I told him it was Santa and he was bringing him presents, but he didn't care. Santa tried to give him some candy, but again he said "No!" and wouldn't take it and I didn't force the issue. I took the candy from Santa, told him "thank you" and we left. I tried to give Gavin the candy that Santa had for him and at first he said "No" once again and then decided to take it only to throw it on the floor and say "NO!" again. Apparently he doesn't want anything to do with Santa including taking his goods!
Wow! You're, like, the turkey bowling champion of the world!! Did you see my brother and his wife (heh, it's still kind of weird to say that... )?
PS The verification "word" I had to type was vabilati. It's Portuguese for giblets. Weird coincidence, non?
Well Teri,
I just got on your blog from Ang's and your little guy is so cute. But hey what do new parents expect when you teach your kids to never talk, look, or accept anything from strangers? And you gotta admit, Santa is stranger than most. Us grandmas and grandpas on the other hand, taught our kids that if you want something, you better take it wherever you can get it and from whomever will give it to you! Hence the difference beween then and now. It's so fun to see your family. Merry Christmas to all. Eulalie
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