Here's a little re-cap of our holiday season. For the complete version you'll need to come to my house and look through my photo album ; )

They decided the mattress in the extra bedroom in G & G's basement was their new trampoline. They spent the entire night downstairs playing on it.

I did manage to have them at least sit still for a picture, however looking at the camera was a whole different story.
L to R: Lukas, Drake, Isaiah, Gavin, Treysen & Taiya

This is why we didn't send family pictures out with our Christmas cards. We have about 6 of these pictures, different poses, different scenerios. Lets just say there was laughing, crying, farting and a whole lot of hocus pocus that prevented the pictures from even turning out.

Our cute little Christmas elf!

Cody built a big snow fort in the back yard for him and Gavin to play in. We need a little more snow to completely finish it, but it's a good start.

I bet you are wondering why my son is in the bathtub with his shoes and clothes on, so here's the story. My nephew had an accident (the brown kind) in his pants so his mom put him in the bathtub to clean him up. She went to go get him a diaper or clothes and when she stepped out Gavin decided to get in which wouldn't have been so bad but there were little poopy floaters in the water and after I undressed him and went to take his diaper off, he had went #2 also so his diaper was not only soggy, but full of soggy pooh! That did me in and I had a visit with the porcelin pot. Merry Christmas to me!

Gavin hangin out in his diaper after the bathtub incident. This was his present from G & G that he was pulling around the house behind him.
We spend every Christmas Eve with Cody's family. We have dinner and then open our gifts to each other.

G & G got all the grandkids new Christmas outfits. Aren't they adorable?
Front Row: Drake, Gavin, Isaiah, Treysen & Lukas
Back Row: Taiya, Savannah, Madilyn, Alyssa(the baby), Alexandria & Aidyn

Gavin in his Christmas PJ's. They came with a bathrobe and booties. We get him new PJ's every year and let him wear them on Christmas Eve. Cody kept calling him Hugh Heffner all night.
We read the Christmas Story and then it was time for bed so Santa would come!

Every Christmas we meet at my parent's before 10 am and make a HUGE YUMMY breakfast and eat it all together, it's so much fun! Here we are cooking away!
Me, Chet (bro-in-law), Marie & Erin (Sister-in-laws)

Cody loves the Miami Dolphins and he loves to cook so this was the perfect gift!

Gavin got a new four wheeler from Uncle Paul & Aunt Erin and he was riding it all over the house.

We also ride snowmobiles every year in the field, snow permitting. Uncle Kenny gave Gavin his first ride this year and he didn't want to get off. He either wanted to be on the snowmobile or get pulled on the sled behind one.

Erin helping Taylor get up the hill so he could snowboard down again.

Chet & Karen

The Cousins
Gavin, Faith & Taylor

I raced Karen down the hill on the sled. I'd tell ya who won but I don't want Karen to feel bad again!

Mommy taking Gavin for ANOTHER ride on the sled!

Gavin got these goggles with a pretend chainsaw from G & G and he wears them everywhere now.

This is the funniest. He continually takes them off and on and sometimes he pulls his bottom eyelids down and so you can't help but laugh and then he just looks at you and wonders what is so funny!