Mason and Gavin
They were excited because they were wearing matching shirts
Gavin taught Mason how to pump himself on the swing and he spent the rest of the day swinging on the swing
This was quite the afternoon. It was a beautiful sunshiny day so I banished the littles to the backyard so I could get some serious housework done, but I still spent a lot of time outside. The neighbors left a random piece of half eaten pizza (which is not like them at all) laying next to the fence line. Coco, our dog, kept trying do dig under the fence to get to eat so he could eat it. I was out there three different times refilling the hole. I finally got some cinder blocks and put along the fence line until the neighbors got home and could move the piece of pizza.
Later on I caught them on the trampoline and it was covered with screws, nails, screwdrivers and their toy motorcycle and they were JUMPING ON THE TRAMPOLINE!! You know, the one COVERED IN NAILS AND SCREWS!!! I forgot to lock the garage door which is their favorite treasure trove and they had helped themselves to daddy's things. I cannot turn my back for one single minute with these two!
Later on (after I locked the garage door) I heard some banging on the back door and found this:
They were both topless and I'm not sure who's idea that was but at least they weren't completely naked!
I checked on them once and couldn't see them so I went in the backyard and then I heard giggling and could see little feet sticking out the bottom of the grill and found them. They said it was their crib and they were babies. All of this was in less than an hours time, little stinkers!
Look at that belly!!
Germs!! She is going to have a great immune system, especially after putting those nasty fingers in her mouth.
Cody delivered a kidney stone, OUCH!! It doesn't look very big, but when you think about the size of the places it had to travel through, it might as well have been a baby!
I finally got to experience a Pinewood Derby as a scout leader. It was so much fun and the set up was amazing!! Everyone had a great time. Becca and I were in charge of getting the cars on the track and I was so confused at first because I didn't realize some of the cars had two different numbers on them so there were duplicate numbers, but once I realized that only the numbers on the bottom mattered it was all good.
The cars were amazing and they were all so creative. Seeing all the boys personalities come out in their cars and watching their faces as they watched their cars win were my favorite parts of the night.
Beyblade Bargain
I got all of these, 9 bey-blades with ripcords etc AND the arena for $5!! New this set up would've been over $100 easily. I asked how much and she told me $2 and I couldn't believe it so I said "for all of them?" Yep. I couldn't pass that up. I only had a $5 bill in my wallet so I just gave it to her because even at $5 I still felt like I was ripping her off. Both of my boys love these and they were so excited when I showed them. Gavin was especially excited because there was a Golden El Drago in the mix. He loves the color Gold right now and he really likes his El Drago bey-blades.
Donuts, the park and 70 degree weather!!
More dandelions for mommy : )
There was a little boy at the park that let Mason play T-ball with him
I showed Mason a few times how to hold the bat and hit the ball but he wanted to do it his own way.
We celebrated our 12 year wedding anniversary. We went to the temple on Friday night for our ward chapel session and met friends there early and had dinner with all of them. Cody and I hadn't been there together for a session for a few months so it was really nice.
Saturday we had two baptisms to go to and then we went out to dinner, just the two of us. We went to a new place that was recommended to us by a friend. Chef Shane's Perspective. It was really good and surprisingly well priced. We were a little worried when we got there because everyone was dressed up and they asked if we had reservations. We didn't but they had a table for us. We sat down and had a table cloth, cloth napkins and two forks! We didn't realize it was that kind of place, we usually eat at Texas Rhodehouse or even Sizzler. Cody said next time he probably wouldn't wear his Nintendo T-shirt. LOL!
We had planned on going to a movie, but didnt' really see one that we wanted to watch that was playing at that time so we decided to go TV shopping to replace the ones the boys broke. We were super excited because we got a deal! We found a 50 inch that was on clearance for 1/2 because they had a newer model (even though this one had only been in the store for less than 6 months). It was a bigger TV than we had planned on buying and it was $200 less than we had planned on spending. Happy Anniversary to us!
Gavin got the kids graham crackers and milk on Saturday morning and Mason decided to use his milk to wash his hair. ALL of his hair was wet, but he only had 2 little drops of milk on his pajamas. Not sure how he managed that one. He was excited that his hair was spiky and crunchy from the milk.
This is how the boys spent most of the weekend after I gave them the beyblades
Gavin after his basketball game. They only have 6 players on their team now, the other 4 quit so he plays almost the entire game if not all of it every week.
We went a baby blessing for my nieces baby Paisley on Sunday. Mason had a car in his pocket and a plane in each hand and told me he was ready to go now.
This guy gets his fashion sense from his daddy! Hawaiin shirt, camo shorts and bright orange skylander socks.
Chloe was "too firsty" to get dressed so she had to get a drink first.
Mason fell asleep on Cody, this has only happened a few times in Mason's entire life because this kid never sits still.
I was a little jealous this Sunday because both of the kids took their Sunday naps on their daddy
My boss Debbie left this for me after I put the fly in her cup : )
I giggled to myself when I actually stopped and paid attention to what I had in my locker at work. Extra socks, water bottle, rubber snake, plastic spider, clown wig, nose and tie, Hershey's kissed, a rooster, and then the normal things like pens, tape, etc. There is also a can of Campbells Thick and Chunky soup that expired in November of 2010...maybe I should clean out my locker.
Cody asked me to take a selfie and send it to him, so I did.
I'm always a little worried about what I might find when I open Gavin's lunch box, but so far the grossest thing I have found it half eaten sandwiches and spilled applesauce, but I'll deal with that over bugs and snakes any day.
Crazy Hair Day brought to you by Chloe.
It's National Bike Month and the school challenged the kids to ride their bikes to school this month. Despite the rain Gavin wanted to ride his bike to school. It was his first time ever and I was super nervous so I followed him in my van. This overprotective momma's excuse is that he didn't have a lock for his bike so I had to bring it back home and then of course take it back to him after school. He wants to ride his bike to school for the rest of the school year now so I went and bought him a bike lock and we rode to the school and I showed him how to use it. It's official, my baby is growing up all to quickly.
My dad called and needed a ride to his Dr's appt and it was right before Gavin got out of school so I called my friend Chelsea and asked her to pick him up if I didn't make it there in time. When I was around the corner from the school Chelsea called and told me that she had been waiting, but didn't see Gavin anywhere.
I parked the van and went into the school to look for him, No Gavin. I walked all the way around the outside of the school, No Gavin. I looked all over the playground, No Gavin. I started driving home looking for him to see if maybe he had walked home, No Gavin. I called Cody to see if he was at home (Cody was home with kidney stones), No Gavin.
By this point I was panicking and on the verge of tears. I stopped at one of his friends house's to see if he had stopped there on the way home, No Gavin. Gina offered to help look for him. By this point I was crying. I called his sitter to see if he had happened to walk there, No Gavin. I decided to drive down her street anyway and there he was! I pulled over and he saw I was crying and then he started crying. He got in the front and I just hugged that little boy to death!! It was only 20 minutes, but it was some of the longest 20 minutes of my life.
He hadn't seen Chelsea or I at the school so he thought he was suppose to go to Leisa's, but he didn't see her at the school either so he just started walking to her house. I called Cody and told him and then I found Gina and let her know I had Gavin and then we went home and repeated the talk we gave him at the beginning of school.
The entire time I was looking for him all I could think about was maybe his birthmom somehow figured out where he went to school which isn't all that bad because I know how to find her through her relatives, but then I was thinking maybe she went rogue and we would never find them. Then it was on to his birth dad, maybe he finally tracked him down after 7 years or worse, maybe it was a complete stranger. All these thoughts were flooding my mind as I was frantically walking and driving around looking for him. I was praying and praying that all of these worse case scenarios that I had in my head were just that scenarios and that we would find him safe and sound and my prayers were answered.
This also made me realize too that buried deep down I have this fear of Gavin's birth parents finding him and taking him and him being "missing" brought it to the surface. I don't know if every adoptive parent feels that way or if it's just me being super paranoid, but I don't like it.
Okay, on to a lighter subject. Thanks for listening to my tangent.
Gavin burps the alphabet and other words now and thinks it is the coolest thing ever...boys...gross, gross boys.
Chloe said that she was a Queen and without skipping a beat Gavin said, "Yeah, a DRAMA QUEEN!" Pretty much sums it up.
SOMEONES GONNA COME KNOCK ON THE DOOR, IT'S A SURPRISE. HERS THE PRETTIEST - Mason said this when the neighbors niece was coming over to see if she could play after her and Mason were talking to each other through the fence.
We grilled hot dogs one night for dinner and Mason told me, "I don't want the bone on it" aka the bun. My kids are getting so picky lately.
Mason fell asleep in the middle of everything at the sitters in front of a fan and hugging a drum
YOU HAVE TO BE NICE CUZ JESUS SAID TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE - Mason said this to me. He thought I was being mean because I put him in timeout
We had BLTs for dinner on night. Chloe was still eating at the table and Cody had gone outside to feed the chickens. When he came back in he caught her hiding bacon in her play kitchen because she didnt' want it. I'm having her tested right away because seriously, who doesn't like bacon?