For those of you who don't get my retarded humor the title is suppose to say Huckleberry Finn, now do you get it?

Wide awake and ready to go

That didn't take long
(Mom, that's one of his "airplane books" on his lap)

Lookie here, I found a handsome prince in the forest!

Time for a break and a tasty beverage

I felt this little critter run over my foot and after my heart stopped racing I found the little guy and got a picture. He was super close as you can tell. Darn little thing has one of my huckleberry's in his little paws!
(How many times can you say "little" in one caption?)

Gavin wanted to be by Caitlyn almost the entire time

He was picking Huckleberries by himself and then throwing them, which ended very quickly. I finally got him to eat one and then he wouldn't stop.

(Not to be confused with Brad Paisley's son Huckleberry)

Gavin found out it was easier to get the berries out of my bucket than pick them!

Gavin and I

These are the homes of all the little Forest Elves that come out at night and glue the huckleberry's to the bushes with super glue and then hide them under the leaves. We waited for awhile, but none of them would poke their little heads out. Legend has it that they only come out at night because they don't want the sun to fade their bright red hats.