Tis the season for baby girls (at least on my side of the family). My sister, Karen, just found out that she is having a baby GIRL, yeah! Despite Cody's good efforts they will not be naming her Beulah Mae as previously suggested, instead they decided to name her Madisen Marie. I know it's a real toss up, but I guess they get to choose since they are the parents and all. ; )
I'm so excited, but I must admit just a little bummed because I wanted Gavin to have a little boy cousin to play with, but that's OK. My brother dressed up like a girl and played "Little House on the Prairie" with me as well as Barbies and he turned out alright so I'm sure Gavin will be fine.
Also, speaking of baby girls my cousins Mindy & Robyn are also having baby girls of their own so there will be lots of pink & purple ribbons and pigtails running around before to long. Congrats to you all!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I'm an Aunt...again!!!
Welcome to the family Kessler!

is such a girly-girl and she does hair for a living. Kessler looks just like Torrey, his dad. He really does have all 10 toes, the picture makes it look like he doesn't.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I LOVE flip flops!
I just wanted everyone to know how much I LOVE flip flops! It is the best part of summer. They are so inexpensive so you can buy hundreds and not feel guilty and you can wear a different pair everyday. They are super easy to get on and the best part is no matter how big your butt gets from that extra piece of chocolate that you shouldn't have eaten they always fit! So if you ever have a "fat day" go shopping for flip flops! They make the world a wonderful place!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hoppy Easter!
I don't know why or how, but there is a song attached
to my slide show that came with it when I moved the
slide show to my blog. I don't know how to get rid of it,
so just click on the speaker in the upper left hand corner
and it will shut the sound off and the cd image at the
bottom will go away after a few seconds so you can
read the captions on the pictures, sorry!
Brag Blog
This blog is all about Gavin and the funny things he has done lately and just some other things that I don't want to forget about!
We went to Cody's cousin's baptism and as soon as they opened the doors to the font Gavin wanted to get right in it. We had to hold him back and he kept saying "I wanna bath, I wanna bath". Even after the doors were closed and it was over he went over to the door and wanted to "bath". I tried to explain it to him, but he wasn't really paying attention, he just wanted in that big tub! How do you explain to a 2 year old it's not a bath?!?
It was time for Gavin to take a bath and this is how the conversation went:
Me: Gavin, come get in the tub
Gavin: PLEASE!!
Me: (after I got over the shock of being taught by my toddler how to be polite)
Gavin, Please come get in the tub
Gavin: OK momma
I guess I'd better start practicing what I preach!
Gavin is learning all kinds of new words and loves to use them often even in the car. We drive down the road now and this is what we hear:
"Car, blue truck, car, car, house, stairs, house, stairs, car, blue truck, blue truck...etc."
It never ends! And sometimes if we don't acknowledge what he is saying and he thinks we should be he starts saying them louder until we do.
(Every truck is a "blue truck" to him because that's what daddy has, a blue truck")
He knows all his letters now and if he sees letters he will say them also. We were at Wal-Mart and he saw the name on the outside of the store and spelled it for me all by himself
This really isn't that funny, but if you knew how bad Cody hated Wal-Mart and the fact that Gavin's first word he spelled all by himself with no prompting was Wal-Mart, it would be funny!
Another bath story:
I had just gotten Gavin out of the tub and didn't pull the plug like I always do. I got him dressed and then Cody wanted to show me something on the internet so I left Gavin in his room and went to the computer. All of the sudden we heard splashing. We both thought that Gavin was playing in the toilet so we said in unison
"Gavin, No! Get out of there!"
Gavin replied, "Elmo bath".
Luckily as soon as I heard the splashing I was on my way in there so he didn't get completely soaked but he had his new Alphabet Singing Elmo in the bathtub. I told him that Elmo didn't need a bath and took him from him and Elmo went to the "hospital" to get fixed up. We dried him off really good, opened him up and took his electronic parts out and hoped for the best. Luckily, Elmo recovered completely with no permanent damage.
Gavin loves bunny's. We took him to see the real one's @ Peaches and he could have stayed there all day. I got out my bunny ears and he was wearing them all over. We kept talking about the Easter Bunny for days, but when we went to see him he wouldn't walk over to him. I went and sat by the Easter Bunny with him on my lap and when he realized who we were sitting next to he jumped off my lap and ran to the back of the store full speed. I went and got him and we started walking to the front of the store to leave and he said "no bunny mom, no bunny!" We had to completely walk the opposite way and then go to the front so he didn't have to see the bunny again. Maybe next year!
Gavin and I were at the Distribution Center and it was pretty busy. He was over playing with the toys and all of the sudden I hear, "Mom, I pooped!" And I guess he thought I didn't hear him so he came running over to me and once again, "Mommy, I pooped!" Luckily everyone just laughed. What a kid!
Any time Gavin burps or farts he says:
"Excuse you Gavin"
It's so funny!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Pay It Forward...
I got this off of my cousin Robyn's blog and decided to do it!
So. . . here's the idea. Be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post and you will be the lucky recipient of a handmade gift from me some time this year. (I know one year is a long time to wait, but that is going to make it even better, right?) Now here is the catch, you have to post the same thing on your blog and do the same for 3 lucky people. GOOD LUCK! This is going to be a fun thing to try!
So. . . here's the idea. Be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post and you will be the lucky recipient of a handmade gift from me some time this year. (I know one year is a long time to wait, but that is going to make it even better, right?) Now here is the catch, you have to post the same thing on your blog and do the same for 3 lucky people. GOOD LUCK! This is going to be a fun thing to try!
Friday, April 3, 2009
April Fool's is over!

Warning: Grandma's House= Chocolate Overload!

Pinewood Derby
Ducks! (and Geese)

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